【Call for paper】The Forth Information Technology and Quantitative Management(ITQM2016)

  • 日期:2016-03-04
  • 10223

ITQM 2016 is a global forum for exchanging research findings and case studies that bridge the latest information technology and quantitative management techniques. It explores how the use of information technology improves quantitative management techniques and how the development of management tools can reshape the development of information technology. It particularly addresses the fundamental concepts of Data Science relating to information technology and quantitative management under Big Data era.

ITQM 2016 covers all topics in the broad ranges of Information Technology and quantitative management, including, but not limited to:

  • Management of Technology

  • Business Analytics Tools and Applications

  • Innovative Business Model and Platform

  • New Machine Age: IOT(Internet of Things), Fintech, 3D Printing, Mobile Commerce, Artificial Intelligence, Drone

  • Social Media, Curation Marketing, Design Thinking

  • Nero-Marketing

  • Econometric and Empirical Understanding of Emerging Business

  • Applications of Big Data technologies and methods (e.g., Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Data Analysis) to support optimal decision making

  • Habitual domain and behavioral approaches to Big Data analytics

  • Data Science issues in information technology and quantitative management

  • IT-enabled quantitative management and decision making in the government sector and in public and private companies

  • Mobile technologies and cloud computing

  • Applications of IT-enabled quantitative management and decision making in Logistics, Finance, Marketing, Strategy, Human Resources, IT, Project Management, Process Improvement, Sustainability, Innovation, and other Management disciplines

  • Developments in IT-enabled quantitative management and decision making in different industries, such as Oil and Gas, Banking, Transportation, Utilities, Health care, Telecom, Education, etc.

  • Applications of Social Networks Analysis in IT-enabled quantitative management and decision making

  • IT-enabled quantitative management and maturity models

  • Soft computing methods in quantitative management and decision making processes

  • Developments in Multicriteria Analysis related to IT-enabled quantitative management

  • Semantic learning and intelligent awareness

  • Quantitative management tools

Technical exchanges at ITQM 2016 will encompass invited keynote lectures, tutorials, special sessions and workshops, panel discussions as well as poster presentations. Prospective authors are invited to contribute high-quality papers to ITQM 2016.

More information, please see the website below:
