• 钟运琴


















  • 王磊


    姓名 王磊 职称 博士后 性别
    任职情况 中国科学院虚拟经济与数据科学研究中心博士后
    研究方向 宏观经济政策、经济虚拟化。
    教育经历 2000.09——2004.06 延边大学经济系 学士
    2004.09——2006.06 延边大学经济管理学院 硕士
    2012.09——2015.06 南开大学经济学院 博士
    工作经历 2006.07——2012.08 延边大学经济系教师
    2015.07——现在 中科院博士后
    近5年发表的文章 1.王磊 刘骏民 关于行业增长拉动就业的特点分析 现代管理科学 2015(2)24—26
    2.王磊 赖石成 中国经济改革过程中的制度分析 现代管理科学 2015(3)42—44
    3.王磊 虚拟经济的行业差异研究——基于美国的行业数据 第八届虚拟经济年会会议论文 2014.10.24

  • 汪波


    汪波 职称 博士后 性别
    研究方向 最优化、数据挖掘
    教育经历 2004年—2008年,北京理工大学理学院,数学与应用数学专业,理学学士。
    发表文章 [1] Wang B., Shi Y., Huang W., Liu G. F. Misclassification Minimization Based on Multiple Criteria Linear Programming. The IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM 2014. (EI)
    [2] Liu P., Sun J. M., Han L. Y. and Wang B. Research on the construction of macro assets price index based on support vector machine. International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2014. 
    [3] Yang Z. F., Shi Y., Wang B., Yan H. Website Quality and Profitability Evaluation in E-Commerce Firms Using Two-stage DEA Model. 1st International Conference on Data Science, ICDS 2014. 
    [4] Wang B., Shi Y., Error Correction Method in Classification by Using Multiple-Criteria and Multiple-Constraint Levels Linear Programming. International Journal of Computers Communications and Control, 2012, 7, pp 976-989. (SCI, 0.441)
    [5] Wang B., Wang Y., A Multiple-Criteria and Multiple-Constraint Levels Linear Programming Based Error Correction Classification Model. Procedia Computer Science, 2013, 17, pp 1073-1082. (EI)
    [6] 汪波,石勇. 一个基于妥协解的多目标线性规划分类模型. 第六届中国管理学年会——商务智能分会场论文集,2011. 
    [7] Ye Wang, Bo Wang, Xinyang Zhang. A new application of the support vector regression on the construction of financial conditions index to CPI prediction. Procedia Computer Science, 9, pages 1263-1272, 2012. 
    [8] Fang Wang, Warawut Suphamitmongkol, Bo Wang. Advertisement Click-Through Rate Prediction Using Multiple Criteria Linear Programming Regression Model. Procedia Computer Science, 17, 803-811, 2013. (EI)

  • 李亮










    2004.9~2008.7西安交通大学信息工程专业 工学学士

    2008.9~2013.6中国科学院计算技术研究所 中科院智能信息处理重点实验室计算机应用技术专业 工学博士




    2014  5th International Conference on Game Theory for Networks the Best Paper Award

    2013  中科院院长奖

    2012  中科院计算所所长特别奖

    2012  “大数据量图像精细搜索”项目获第五届中国科普产品博览会优秀科普产品奖优秀奖

    2011  中科院计算所优秀学术论文一等奖


    [1]      Liang Li, Chenggang Yan, Xing Chen, Bo Wu, Shuqiang Jiang, Seungmin Rho, Jian Yin, Baochen Jiang and Qingming Huang. Large scale image understanding with non-convex multi-task learning, 5th International Conference on Game Theory for Networks, 2014 (Best Paper Award), ( EI收录)

    [2]      Chenggang Clarence Yan, Liang Li*, Zhan Wang, Jian Yin, Hailong Shi, Shuqiang Jiang, Qingming Huang: Fusing multi-cues description for partial-duplicate image retrieval. J. Visual Communication and Image Representation (JVCIR) 25(7):1726-1731, 2014, (*Corresponding author)(SCI,EI收录)

    [3]      Xinhang Song, Shuqiang Jiang, Shuhui Wang, Liang Li, Qingming Huang . Polysemious Visual Representation Based on Feature Aggregation for Large Scale Image Applications. Multimedia Tools and Application, DOI 10.1007/s11042-014-1975-5, 2014, (SCI,EI收录)

    [4]      Chenggang Yan, Yongdong Zhang, Jizheng Xu, Feng Dai, Liang Li, Qionghai Dai and Feng Wu, A Highly Parallel Framework for HEVC Coding Unit Partitioning Tree Decision on Many-core Processors, IEEE Signal Process. Lett. (SPL) 21(5):573-576 (2014), (SCI,EI收录)

    [5]      Chenggang Yan, Yongdong Zhang, Feng Dai, Xi Wang, Liang Li, Qionghai Dai, Parallel deblocking filter for HEVC on many-core processor, Electronics Letters, 50(5), Pages: 367 – 368, ISSN : 0013-5194, 2014, (SCI,EI收录)

    [6]      Liang Li, Shuqiang Jiang, Zheng-Jun Zha, Zhipeng Wu and Qingming Huang, Partial-Duplicate Image Retrieval viaSaliency-guided Visually Matching, IEEE Multimedia, Vol.20, No.3, pp.13-23, 2013, (SCI,EI收录)

    [7]      Chenggang Yan, Yongdong Zhang, Feng Dai and Liang Li, Highly Parallel Framework for HEVC Motion Estimation on Many-core Platform, Data Compress Conference, DCC2013,(EI收录)

    [8]      Chenggang Yan, Yongdong Zhang, Feng Dai and Liang Li, Efficient Parallel Framework for HEVC De-blocking Filter on Many-core Platform, DCC2013, (EI收录)

    [9]      Zhan Wang, Jiwu Jing and Liang Li, “Time Evolving Graphical Password for Securing Mobile Devices”, ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security, Asia CCS2013,( EI收录)

    [10]   Liang Li, Shuqiang Jiang and Qingming Huang, Learning Hierarchical Semantic Description via Mixed-norm Regularization for Image Understanding, IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, Vol.14, No.5, pp.1401-1413, 2012, (SCI,EI收录).

    [11]   Liang Li, Shuqiang Jiang and Qingming Huang, Learning Vicept Description via Mixed-Norm Regularization for Large-scale Semantic Image Search, IEEE international conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition , IEEE CVPR2011(计算视觉领域国际顶级会议,CCF会议论文A类, EI收录)

    [12]   Liang Li, Zhipeng Wu, Zheng-Jun Zha, Shuqiang Jiang and Qingming Huang, Matching Content-based Saliency Region for Partial Duplicate Image Detection, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Expo, Oral paper, IEEE ICME2011, (EI收录)

    [13]   Liang Li, Shuqiang Jiang and Qingming Huang, Online Vicept Extension for Web-scale Image Understanding, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, IEEE ICIP2011 , (EI收录)

    [14]   Liang Li, Shuqiang Jiang and Qingming Huang, ”Multi-description of Local Interest Point for Partial Duplicate Image Retrieval”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2010, Pages: 2361-2364, EI, ISSN: 15224880

    [15]   Zhipeng Wu, Qianqian Xu, Shuqiang Jiang, Qingming Huang, Peng Cui and Liang Li, ”Adding Affine Invariant Geometric Constraint for Partial Duplicate Image Retrieval, IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Pages: 842-845, EI, ISSN: 10514651, ICPR2010 (EI收录).

    [16]   Zhipeng Wu, Shuqiang Jiang, Liang Li, Peng Cui, Qingming Huang and Wen Gao, ”Vicept: Link Visual Features to Concepts for Large-scale Image Understanding”, ACM international conference on Multimedia, Pages: 711-714, EI, ISBN-13: 9781605589336, MM2010).( EI收录)


  • 崔凌逍











    2005-09--2009-07 南京大学物理系

    2009-09—2014-07 中科院理论物理研究所博士


    2014-09—今 中国科学院虚拟经济与数据科学研究中心博士后


    1.L.ing-Xiao Cui, Shingo Takeuchi and Yue-Liang Wu,“Quark Number Susceptibility and QCD Phase Transition in the   Predictive Soft-wall AdS/QCD Model with Finite Temperature” Phys. Rev. D 84, 076004 (2011) [arXiv:1107.2738][hep-ph]]. 

    2.L.ing-Xiao Cui, Shingo Takeuchi and Yue-Liang Wu, “Thermal Mass Spectra of Vector and Axial-Vector Mesons in Predictive Soft-Wall AdS/QCD Model ”JHEP 1204, 144 (2012) [arXiv:1112.5923 [hep-ph]].

    3.L.ing-Xiao Cui and Yue-Liang Wu, “Thermal Mass Spectra of Scalar and Pseudo-Scalar Mesons in IR-improved Soft-Wall AdS/QCD Model with Finite Chemical Potential ”Mod. Phys. Lett. A, Vol. 28, No. 34 (2013) 1350132. [arXiv:1302.4828 [hep-ph]].

    4.Ling-Xiao Cui , Zhen Fang and Yue-Liang Wu, “Mass Spectra of Mesons and Bulk Holographic QCD with Linear Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking ”to be published in PRD [arXiv:1310.6487[hep-ph]].